It's the unexpected events that have happened in our lives that have gotten us to where we are today. Whether or not they make a person stronger and more open to what life throws at them is up to that specific person. I want to share some of the events that happen, or have already happened in our lives. Welcome to our journey ;)....

Sunday, October 11, 2009

these are the moments

Showing off her two teethies!! Grabbing a toy out of her toy box :)

I wanted to update my blog on how we are all doing and what's all been going on....Rusty finished his Apache course!! We are all so proud of him! I know he is gald to finally be finished. Now he can relax for a couple of weeks. As for me, I am in the middle of cleaning, packing, and trying to organize things to make our move in a couple of weeks little easier. I don't think it's really going to be "easy" but atleast it will help to have everything labeled so when the time comes when we are unloading things we can take it to which ever room the box says it goes in. That's about all for the update on the grown up's, now time for Halle. Gosh where to begin?? She has been little miss into everything! She has 2 teeth now and she loves to bite! She is of course still crawling every where and now she pulls up on the table and couch and walks along the sides of them. It scares me when she falls b/c she come so close to hitting her head! She stands for about 5 seconds on her own and sits down when she realizes she's not holding onto anything. She is such a happy go lucky baby! She has had an ear infection and now she has thrush... the doctor said that they thrush probably came from her antibiotic, but I think it's b/c my little bit likes to find shoes to chew on. Yes I know GROSS!! I try to always keep the shoes put in the closet with the door shut, but sometimes when we just walk in and take our shoes off after getting home we forget (until we look over and shes got one hanging out of her mouth). I don't know what her fascination is with them. We are trying to teach her what "no" means. I think she is understanding more and more. Whenever she goes to get in the dog's bed/water bowl/food we say "no" or "no maam" and she stops and turns around and comes back to us. Now if we can just teach her that with shoes :) She's still quite the little beaver biting and chewing her crib to pieces... I tried to tie toys up and block it but she finds a way or a new place to chew. I still can't believe she is 8 months old! She is growing up so fast... it's so fun to watch her learn new things everyday. She now has her little box where we keep her toys. Whenever she wants a toy she will just go over to it and get it... she's so smart :) Her hair is coming in thicker now days, but she's still bald for the most part, poor girl. Her best friend is Abbagail.. she loves to sit outside on the front porch and watch Abby play fetch. She just laughs and giggles! She has the sweetest little laugh, I LOVE IT!! There is never to much bragging when it comes to your kids right? That's all I have time to update on right now, I posted a few pictures and a video for you all to enjoy.. I feel a little tug at my leg so that means it's play time :) I cherish these little moments!

Watching Abby play fetch

Monday, September 14, 2009

~*House hunting and more*~

u can see her 2 bottom teeth if u look closely

daddy playing peek-a-boo through the doggy door

little bite marks on her crib

leapfrog learning table :)

caught her playing with her aquarium when she was suppose 2 be napping

So I figured it was time to update on my blog about what's been going on in our lives... we have spent the past 2 weekends up in Clarksville, TN house hunting. We are so exhausted! We found a house that we liked the first weekend we went up there, but another couple ended up outbidding us on it, so we had to make the LONG journey back up there this past weekend. We found another house we liked and we put an offer in on it Saturday evening. We are waiting to hear back from them today... fingers and toes crossed! I hate the waiting part of it. I just hope that we get this house b/c it will be a few weeks before we could go back up there, and not to mention that Rusty is either graduating on Oct. 15 or Oct. 29 so we need this house! I am so excited about moving! I am ready to get settled in mine and Rusty's first official house together as a family :) Speaking of family, this weekend is family day for Rusty which means Nanny, Poppy, Mamaw, Papaw, Aunt Sara, Hayden, and Gabby are all coming in for it. We are so excited to see them! We are going to get to go see what Rusty does everyday and we get to take a tour of the Apache and even sit it if we want. Also, if we want we can go to the simulators and let Rusty try to teach us how to fly. I think it's going to be fun for us to see what he does. We are all so proud of him! I am excited for everyone to see miss priss in action. She is crawling 90 mph these days and pulling up on EVERYTHING. We try to teach her not to pull up on certain things that she could get hurt on, but she doesn't really understand, heck she's just 7 months old. She is into anything and everything she can get her little hands on. Her curiosity grows more and more everyday. She is getting braver by pulling up and letting go and standing on her own just for a few seconds. Once she looks and realizes she isn't holding on to anything she sits down or reaches out to grab something right fast. She now has 2 bottom teeth, and she LOVES to bite! She knaws on her crib like a little beaver. There are bite marks all up and down the sides of it. She also loves her newest toy, her LeapFrog learning table. She pulls up on it and plays with it for 20 mintues at a time, which is nice! The biggest thing to me is that she says mama all the time! I love hearing her say mamamama! My precious little stinker! She jibber jabbers all the time, she tries her hardest to talk to us, it is so sweet! We took her to see some of our friends in Stevenson on our way home from Clarksville and they thought she was the happiest, most adorable baby ever.. which she is!! She is super friendly to everyone these days. She goes to anybody who sticks their hands out for her to come to them. She still has no hair, although she is sprouting a few long strands in the back :) I told Rusty that we are going to doing a comb over to the front before long... I can't believe that she is 7 months old, she is growing so fast! She really is such a sweet girl. She has her bad moments, but what baby doesn't. I think overall we couldn't have asked for a more perfect little girl than what we have now!

Monday, August 17, 2009

We have a crawler!

Here are a couple of videos of Halle crawling.... she still needs a little work, but she's pretty good at it. She's so fast and into everything before we know it :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

A quick look at the past week

This past week has been crazy... Rusty is now on night shift, which means he goes in at 5 p.m. and doesn't get home until around 1 a.m. We recently found out that we are being stationed at Ft. Campbell, so we have been looking for houses in the Clarksville, TN area. We have found a few, but you really can't tell much from the internet. We are going to have to pick a weekend and go up there and try to find something. It's so exciting looking for houses :) This will be our first house as a family together... I like the sound of that! It is kind of stressful with the whole house hunting process. It's like we have a little over a couple months to find a house, buy it, close on it, and move everything in a 14 day period that they give you. We are trying to clean things out now and get a head start. We have been through the closets and everything around the house to see what we can sell in our yard sale we are having next weekend. I hope that we have a big turn out b/c I want to get rid of everything! What we don't get rid of will probably go to goodwill or something b/c it's not coming back in the house to clutter things up again. I wanted to go ahead and start packing some things now, but Rusty wants to wait until he gets off this night shift, I guess so he can supervise..... Anyway, Halle is a professional crawler now :) She is so fast! She just works those little legs so hard. She was doing just "ok" there for about a week. It seemed like she wasn't progressing any, but tonight she was on top of it. There were a few people who came to the house (all males) and she was crawling to them and just flirting left and right. I have a feeling she's gonna be trouble. I felt like such a proud mommy tonight when she started crawling everywhere. I was like "yay! she finally got the hang of it"! She loves to go to where ever abbagail is at the time. She LOVES abby, but I can't say that about how abby feels towards Halle. Abby is used to being the only one and now she has competition and she gets SOOO jealous of Halle. They will be best friends one day.... I hope. I want to also say CONGRATS to Don and Amber on the birth of little Caitlyn! Her pictures are so cute! She is a tiny little girl! Rusty thinks she look alot like Don, but I couldn't really tell a whole lot from the picture. I can't wait to see her and hold her.... I'm so excited :) My little niece started kindergarden this week. It's so crazy how time flies! My sister cried like a baby... I almost did too when she told me that Madison had her little polka dot backpack on and her Hannah Montana lunch box packed ready to go bright and early. I think she has fun, but she has been pretty secretive about it... she won't tell anybody how her day was. She has shown my mom and sister a few pictures that she has colored, but thats about it. She got sick a couple of days ago with an ear infection and fever so she had to stay home one day already. I miss her so much! I hope that I get to see her, my sisters, and my mom soon. It has been almost 2 months since I have seen them. My sisters are supposed to be coming to visit in a few weeks... who knows if they will really get to come, I hope so! I wished that mine and Rusty's families all lived in the same area or more less the same state... wouldn't that be nice! It's off to bed now for me, I'm very tired, had a LONG day and now it's time to hit the hay!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Halle attacking and growling at Rusty's Hand

I took some videos of Halle attacking Rusty's hand and biting him. She growls at his hand once she gets ahold of it... it is so cute and funny :)

Orlando Adventure '09

I have been meaning to update on our Orlando adventure we went on about a couple of weeks ago. We had SOOO much fun! We went to SeaWorld two days, Downtown Disney one evening, a Pirates Dinner and Show on evening, and we did little activities around the resort we stayed at. We played candy bingo one day and Halle won a Twix :) Me and Sara also did a "stuff and fluff" activity for the girls. It was kind of like Build A Bear. I stuffed Halle a moo cow and put guardian angel where the heart goes and put in a little device that makes the cow moo when you squeeze it. They came with little birth certificates and everything. I named her cow Clara Belle like off of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse b/c Halle LOVES that cartoon in the mornings when she wakes up. You should have seen me and Sara when we first got there for the activity. We wasn't sure about it at first when they started bringing the bins of stuff out. After we looked in them, we were like little kids ourselves. We were the first two sitting down in our kiddie seats waiting for the activity to begin. We rumaged through the bin that had the animals in it and we were grabbing at all the ones we thought were cute so we could have our first pick for the girls. When they put the outfits out we were the first ones to go through them. It sounds mean but those other kids didn't stand a chance with us there haha :) It was fun! We also went for snow cones one day and Halle and Gabby LOVED them! I think they ate most of ours... SeaWorld was probably the best thing. Even though it was scorching hot, we all had a good time. The girls were exceptionally good. There were a few times when Halle acted like a crazy woman, but you are going to have that with any 5 1/2 month old. We saw the Shamu "Believe" show the first day and that was my favorite thing of all. Those whales truly are amazing creatures. We also fed the dolphins and petted them, but I only petted a couple of them b/c I'm a chicken (yes I know it's crazy how I would be scared of a dolphin right?). We also went to fed and pet the sting rays, and no I didn't pet them. My heart was racing 90 miles and hr. They sensed my fear b/c they kept coming up to where I was standing flapping their fins or whatever you call them against the wall for me to reach down. We also fed the sealions which was fun. We did SOO much stuff that it's hard to name everything so I will just say how great it was and move on to downtown disney.... Of course the girls were the hit of the town. They both wore their little minnie ears and people couldn't get enough of them. Everyone who walked by would ooo and ahhh over them. What can I say we have some cute kids :) We all got pearls out of oysters and Sara got earrings, Kelly got a ring, and I got a necklace. They are all so pretty! I was neat to watch the lady dig the pearl out of the oyster.... you were waiting to see if you got a big one or to see if you got one of the rare black pearls. We all got white ones and I think Kelly got the biggest :) It was sad to come back home after a week in Orlando. It always sucks coming back knowing you are going to have to unpack. It sucked for me b/c once we got to Sara's I still had to drive 3 1/2 hrs to get home. It was raining so bad for the first hr that I could barely see the road. I was so scared. I pulled over one time b/c I was so scared. I hate driving in the rain! Anyway, we made it home safe and sound and Rusty was happy to see us. Halle was especially happy to see her daddy and Abby. Abby is her new best friend. She's always wanting to be around her and she squeals when she see's abby walk in the room. It's so cute! I can't believe that she will be 6 months in a couple of days! I felt her gums today and I felt a little hard spot so maybe she will have a tooth before long, yay! She bites my chin and I tell her after she gets that tooth in she will no longer be able to bite mommy's chin. I got her some teething biscuits the other day at the store and she loves them. She goes to town on them with her little gums. She is getting to be a daddy's girl more and more everyday. She gets so excited to see him walk through the door. It's sweet :) I know he LOVES it. I hear him saying dadadadada to her. He wants her to say dada so bad. I promise she said mama before we went on vacation and even while we were on vacation, but now she won't say anything or even coo that much. I don't know what's going on with her, she's being a booger I guess. I am taking her for her 6 month check up and shots next week... I dread it! I hate when she has to get shots. I feel so sorry for her when she's laying there all happy go lucky and all of a sudden she gets stuck with a needle and she puckers up really big and those big blue eyes fill with tears and she look at me like help me mommy.... ahh I can't stand it! I am about to cry now! I love my buggie SOOO much! Oh, I almost forgot to tell everyone who doesn't already know that we are going to be stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY. We plan on living in Clarksville, TN though. I am excited to be closer to my sister and mom and dad, but we will be further away from Kelly and Sara and them and thats makes me really sad. I want Halle and Gabby to grow up being close... guess we will have to plan MANY trips to see them and they better come to see us too :) We are looking at houses to buy, but we also talked about renting. Rusty plans to deploy March 2010 and I thought about going to live with my sister who is in Murfreesboro, TN while Rusty is away. Then again I thought that if I like my job and Halle has a good daycare and I have friends who understand what I'm going through b/c their husbands are gone too then I might not want to move. I don't know it's a big decision to make. I have a lot to think about!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

5 month milestone

I figured I would post a couple of videos of my little bug trying to scoot and crawl. She has been doing this for a couple of days now. She got up on all 4's Saturday and just rocked back and forth. She is such a busy body, always trying to see what's going on and being nosey/curious. I give her another month before she has this down pat, hopefully! I don't really have time for a long update right now, but I will try to update soon. Me and Halle are going to Orlando this Friday with big Rusty, Kelly, Sara, Hayden, and Gabby so I probably won't update until I get back from vacation! Everyone pray that we have a safe trip!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stormy Night

Yay... me and Halle survived our first stormy night in Enterprise! I am the world's biggest scaredy cat when it comes to stormy weather... I am the first one to pack up a bag and head off to a safe hiding place (which at our house now is a small closet only 2 people could fit in). It was lightening and thundering for hours! I got really nervous with the baby monitor being on and it being right there by Halle in her bed, so I folded up some covers and made Halle a little place to sleep on the floor beside our bed. She slept so good considering the loud thunder and rain crashing against the window. She's my brave little buggie :) Rusty had to get up at 3:30 that morning to go to flight line. We both knew that he wouldn't be flying in that weather, but it stinks b/c he still has to atleast show up before they send him right back home. He said that it was the hardest he has seen it rain since he has lived here. It was bad! I told Rusty that we are getting a weather radio b/c we can't hear the sirens from where we live and that would suck if a tornado was coming our way and we didn't even know. He thinks I over react about it, but he will be the first one wanting to have clothes and food out of my "emergency bag of goodies" if our house was to blow away. Heck, the "storm closet" is so small there might only be enough room for me, Halle, and Abby... I'm jk, I'm sure we could make room for him :) I was so proud of myself for making it through my first major storm... probably alot more to come when hurricanes start rolling in! I'm scared just thinking about it :/ Anywho, I don't know what's on our agenda for this wkend. We were supposed to go see Don and Amber and take her the bassinet and her present (which I was really excited about b/c I made something for her), but I'm not sure we are going anymore. Rusty also mentioned going to Mississippi to go see Kelly and Rusty b/c there is a big fight and big Rusty already rented it for Sat. night plus I think Hudson's has a little influence on us going there, as always. But, I told him that Jason and Sara are coming home on Sat. and they probably don't want a house full of people when they get home. They probably just want to unpack and relax from a long road trip. Who knows where we will end up! Just pray that we have a safe trip where ever we go!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th Weekend

This past weekend it was just me and the girls ;) Rusty had to go to one of his friends weddings in Illinois. It was the first weekend I have spent by myself since I moved in with Rusty. I was lonely at times, but buggie kept me pretty much busy the whole time. I was going to go to Lincoln to visit Don and Amber, but then Rusty wants to go so I postponed that until a later date. Then I was going to go to Mississippi to see Kelly and Rusty, but I looked at the weather and it said it was supposed to rain on Sunday and I didn't want to drive home in the rain so I didn't go. Yes, I know I am a big chicken when it comes to going places. I get nervous with it just being me and Halle in the car. All of these senarios go through my head and I constantly think "what if". I guess that's just part of being a worry wort. Anyway, I think we all had a good 4th. Halle wasn't feeling good the first part of the day. She has been teething and it got the best of her yesterday. She ran a slight fever and was really ill most of the time. When she got to feeling better, we went to the neighbors who had big blow up water slides, swimming pools, cooked out, and shot fireworks. To bad Halle was to little to go on the big water slide, it looked like fun! We didn't get to see the firework show b/c Halle was extremely sleepy so I came home and put her to bed. I stayed up for a little while longer to watch some of the fireworks, but not many b/c I was really tired myself. Today is a happy day b/c Rusty is on his way home from Illinois! I can't wait for him to get home. I missed him alot.... geez what am I gonna do whenever he has to go back over seas???? I don't want to think about it!!! Kelly get ready for me to move in with you :) Ha! Sounds like my little buggie is waking up now so I better run to her rescue! Oh I posted a picture of her playing with her toys, that's pretty much all she did yesterday when she was feeling up to it.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend in Bridgeport

Nana, Halle, Madison, and Pepaw Benny

Me and Rusty before his 10 yr reunion

Mamaw, Halle, and Madison

Madison and Halle

Madison and Halle

This past weekend me and Rusty loaded up the kids and headed off to the lovely town of Bridgeport, Al. We visited with my mom and stepdad and my mamaw and aunt from Louisville, KY were in too. It was good to see everyone and everyone was especially excited to see buggie. She just smiled and played the whole time we were there. Everyone adored her, of course :) They all thought she had gotten so much bigger and smarter, which she has. The main reason we went to Bridgeport was for Rusty's 10 year high school reunion. I know, I know, he's so old right?! We went to Chattanooga Saturday night for that and we had a good time. There were only like 10 people who showed up though. I think everyone who was there had fun regardless. I tried not to call a million times to check up on Halle, but I couldn't help it. I just missed her so much! I felt like a bad mother b/c I was out on the riverboat and my baby was at home. It just made me feel really guilty like I should be at home taking care of my child. My mom said that she was so good for them. She said she didn't cry unless she was hungry or when she got sleepy. She's such a good baby :) Well, Sunday rolled around and it was a sad day. I hated leaving my family, but my life is in Enterprise now. There were many tears shed when we pulled out of the drive way. It's always hard to leave after only having a couple days to visit with your family, especially those who you never get to see but maybe once a year. I will miss everyone so much, but I will see them again soon I hope! Anyway, this morning it was back to the original routine for me and buggie. We have just been lounging today and finishing up unpacking all of our stuff. I finally got all of my ultrasound pictures together and sorted and put in a photo album. I have been meaning to do that for a long time now. I still need to print so many pictures off my camera, but that's another task for another day.... as for the rest of this day it's gonna rest and relaxation!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the best is yet to come

I am sitting here this morning thinking how lucky I am to have such a wonderful life. I thank God for everything he has given me. I was looking back on my life last night and I realized that I truly am blessed. I looked over at Rusty sleeping and I can't believe what a great person I am with. He is such a good daddy to Halle and he is such a good boyfriend to me. I couldn't ask for anyone better. He has such a good heart and I know he deeply cares for us and he would do anything for me and Halle. He is the love of my life and I wouldn't change anything about him. After I reflected on Rusty for a while, I decided to walk into Halle's room. I watched her as she was sleeping and just thought to myself, "gosh I can't believe how much I love her", and my love for her grows with each breath she takes. It's amazing how much she's grown just in 4 months time. She learns something new every day. I am so thankful for being able to stay home with her. I know there are people out there who can't have children and it's so sad to know that they will never experience the feeling of having a baby move around in your tummy as it grows and developing a strong love and bond for that baby who you haven't even met or don't even know. I was looking at pictures when Halle was first born and I seriously cried b/c it was such a wonderful day with wonderful people surrounding me laughing, smiling, talking, hoping, wishing, waiting for a miracle. Halle truly is a miracle. I have a healthy, strong, beautiful baby girl. Thank you God for my life, and the best is yet to come...

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I will take you through each day's events....

Friday: Rusty got home really early from class b/c it was raining and so they couldn't fly. He cooked everyone sausage, eggs, and biscuits for breakfast... it was yummy :) After breakfast we all got ready went to the museum on the army base where they have the different kinds of helicopters so Don, Amber, and Brayden could see what Rusty flies. We tried to make the best of it (by we I actually just mean I). I have already been once and Rusty told me all about everything so this time I just sat back and took some pictures of what was going on. I posted them on my myspace if you wana check it out. Anyway, I think everyone pretty much had a good time there. After the museum we went to BeefO'Brady's and ate some lunch. Later that day Don, Amber, and Brayden went to BamaJam and Rusty, me, and bunny boo stayed at home and relaxed. We decided that we were going to try to feed Halle cereal with a spoon but that turned out to be a huge mess. We are going to try a little each day so hopefully she will master it here pretty soon... eveyone who has seen her knows she can't turn down the chance to eat, haha! Did I mention that she weighs 15 pounds and 14oz. and is 25 inches long now? It's hard to believe! My chunky monkey! Anywho, we got in bed pretty early, which was nice, and had a good nights rest!

Saturday: We all woke up and Rusty and Don went out and got breakfast for everyone. Rusty and Halle went for a little dip in her pool out back and we grilled out hamburgers and hotdogs. After that we all got ready and went to BamaJam. It was scorching hot and poor Halle sweated to death (she probably lost a pound or so... but don't worry I'm sure she will gain it back ha). She made friends with the people sitting next to us, who were from Florida. They absolutely loved her. She would just smile at them, and they were nice enough to let us use their umbrella to shade the sun for bunny. They even bragged about how well behaved she was, which was seriously true this time! She was so good the entire time we were there. She never once pitched a fit or anything. I was so proud of her! We all had fun listening to Jason Aldean, Gary Allan, Brooks and Dunn, and Kid Rock. I liked Jason Aldean the best out of everyone, he did a fantastic job! Halle liked him the best too, considering that was one of the two acts she was awake for. I danced her around on my lap and she just laughed and smiled, it was so cute! Oh and I have to mention the man that we saw walking around.... I think it was actually worth sitting out in the scorching sun for. I wish I would of had my camera! Anyway, he was really old and really really really tan and he had on the shortest leather shorts I have ever seen with holes down each side and they were quite baggy to be leather. His butt cheeks were hanging out along with another area towards the front side! Yes it's true, me and Amber caught a glimpse, not intending to at all! We were all cracking up, and everyone who walked by was taking pictures or pointing and laughing. Me and Don actually saw him bend over to look at a motorcycle that was for sale and he had 2 white tans lines on each thigh where his butt cheeks sagged and that part couldn't get sun. Oh gosh it was nasty! I'm so mad I didn't have my camera, ugh! By the end of the last show we were all so tired and could barely walk. I had to carry bunny boo out and shes no sack of paper towels and bathroom tissue you carry in from the store. We luckily caught the tram that took us to our lot we were parked in. Me and Amber almost got in a fight. There was a drunk girl and her group of friends and their boyfriends and the girls were sitting on the guys laps and the one beside me was falling all over me (don't forget I had Halle in my arms and she was peacefully sleeping). I look at her and said excuse you I have a baby here and she was apologizing and her boyfriend was too. He was having to hold her so she wouldn't fall over on me and Halle. I was about to come unglued and give her a piece of my mind (once you have a kid, you look at life so much different than you used to). During all of that, the same girl was about to spill her drink all over Amber who was sitting across from me. Amber was about to have a heart attack, and she was about to give that girl a piece of her mind too. We were tired and ill enough as it was. While me and Amber were giving each other "looks that could kill" if that girl didn't settle down and during that time a drunk man was falling over asleep on Rusty who was on the end of the bench across from me. What a mess! After all the fun at BamaJam we were all exhausted and ready for bed! It was probably around 1:30 by the time we got home. The kids were ready to play b/c they slept through the singing most of the night so it was a bit crazy. But, we all had a really good time and it was a great weekend of fun! Don and Amber are on their way home today and me and Halle are hanging out while Rusty is at the library studying. This coming week is my last week of freedom, I start my job next Monday :( I am going to miss my bunny boo so much! I am going to get off here now so I can play with her and soak up every minute!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Update on life in Enterprise

Time to do a blog update! I figured that I needed to update my blog since I haven't in SOOO long, but things are as usual at the Palmore/Rogers/Robinson household. Halle is sick with a cold and she's teething so she has been double trouble for me, especially at night. She can hardly breathe through her little nose at night so therefore she wakes up constantly. I took her to the dr yesterday and they just gave me some saline drops to put in her nose so I can suction the snot out. Needless to say, she HATES when I do it. I try to only do it 4 times a day, even though she needs it more than that. I feel so bad for my little booger. I also got her a humidifier to help with the dried snot, not sure how well it's working for her yet. I can't believe the month of May has come and gone already and Halle is almost 4 months old! Oh I should mention that my little peanut rolled over last night and this morning! She is learning and growing so fast! I am so proud of her! She is so ambitious, just like her daddy and mommy :) Me and Rusty decided that we really need to start putting her in her own bed or atleast on her mattress in the floor beside our bed, it's extremely crowded in our bed. I woke up about 4 extra times last night b/c I was so cramped and uncomfortable. We said we were going to start when we got back from the beach, but that never happened. It's hard for me to put her across the house, I dream up silly things that could happen during the night and get paranoid. I really need to stop and just do it already before it gets to the point where it's to late. Anyway, Father's Day is coming up and I am really excited about it. Rusty said not to spend any money on him but I have something in mind that I want to get him. I already went and got cards from Wal-Mart, one for Halle to give to him and one for Abby to give to him. I just want him to feel appreciated ;) He said that we might be heading towards Ocean Springs that weekend if he doesn't have to fly, guess we will see when the time gets closer (watch out Sara and Jason you may have some guests ha!) Of course I told Rusty he would need to call and ask before we go..... we probably all know the real reason he wants to go..... to make the one and only Hudson's trip. He will probably go to Hudson's about 5 or 6 times. He's a junkie when it comes to that place, although I do like to go myself but just 1 or 2 times ;) Todays events for me and Halle are just to lounge around and wait for Rusty to get home. I may get her in her bikini and let her splash around in her pool. We have a potential nanny coming to interview with us today so I'm nervous about it. I don't know how I feel about having a nanny. I mean I would rather have someone come to the house and take care of Halle and not have to worry about dragging her out to daycare to pick up germs, but also you always see on the news about these nanny people running off with peoples kids and stuff. I get really scared thinking what if that happens if we hire this lady. I don't know what I want to do! Oh yes I do know what I want to do... not work and stay at home with Halle myself! Or work from home which I am looking into right now, and Rusty says he would be supportive of it but only if I did it as a second job and still worked at the hospital... boo! We will see if I can change his mind :) Well, I hear my princess crying out for me so I better see what's going on!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The past few days

Well I figured it was time to update by blog while I have a few minutes to spare.... I was so glad to get home on Sunday afternoon. Rusty, me, and Halle went to one of Rusty's friends weddings in Murfreesboro, TN. It was a long long long 6 hrs there and back. Halle did pretty good on the way there, she had a little moment of pitching a fit but she calmed down pretty quickly. but on the way home she pitched a huge fit. I felt so bad I just wanted to get her out of her carseat and hold her. I started crying b/c she was crying so hard she was choking and losing her breath. I hate when she cries that hard. She is teething so thats why she was crying so bad. I felt like a terrible mother b/c I didn't have any orajel or tylenol with me... she was in pain and it was my fault! Oh and she had her first hotel experience Sat. night too. We had to stop and get a room b/c we could barely keep our eyes open. We stopped at a Scottish Inn which was nasty. I didn't really wana touch Halle to the bed so I layed out all of her blankets so she wouldn't pick up any germs from it. I have to say that we will never stay at another one, yuck! Anywho, we went to the wedding on Saturday and it was very nice, short, sweet, and to the point, which is what I liked about it. Afterwards we went to the reception and stayed for a bit. Halle stayed with my dad while me and my sister and a couple of our friends went. He drove down from Indiana just to babysit Halle and spend time with her, it was so sweet of him! It was kind of a nice little break for me, but I did miss my little sweet pea. I called like 20 times to make sure they were ok. My dad probably thought I didn't trust them ha! On another note.... me and Halle have been hanging out around the house pretty much everyday while Rusty is in class. It gets lonely sometimes when Halle is sleeping and there is no one to talk to, but I do love getting to stay at home with her and watch her grow! Although, I do have TWO interviews on Friday for jobs at two different hospitals. One is for a full time position on a Medical/Surgical floor which isn't as fun as working in the Nursery or something like that, but atleast it's work for now. The other one is for the family birth center which is more my area I like to work in, but it's only PRN which means if they need you they will call you and you don't get benefits or anything like that. In a perfect world I would want to work the PRN job rather than the full time one, but right now I need insurance, so the more logical job is the full time Med/Surg one. Who knows if they will even offer me the job at either place... everyone pray I get offered atleast one of them! Sometimes you have to suck it up and take whats best for you. Anyway, enough about job stuff... I am getting excited about our beach trip we have planned for this weekend! It should be alot of fun with the fam! Gabby and Halle will finally get to see each other, I have a feeling it's gonna be like a photo shoot getting those two sugar plums together. I think it's supposed to rain so I have to make sure that Halle will be able to be entertained inside which means bringing more of her big toys. I just can't wait to get down there! I'm gonna get off here, Rusty is wanting me to give him a back massage... yeah right!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Whoo hoo!

Rusty passed his test today! I am SOOO excited for him, he has been studying so hard for it and I know that he didn't sleep well last night b/c he was so nervous about it. I texted him early this morning when I woke up b/c I forgot to tell him good luck before he left b/c I was still sleeping, but anyway I texted him to see how it went and he said that he passed :) This test was just one of MANY that he is going to have to take, but he said that this one was by far the biggest and probably the hardest. What a relief to have passed it the first time taking it! Me and Halle might have to run out and get him a card or something before he gets home. My little sugar plum fairy is sleeping, she was in such a great mood this morning just smiling and wanting to talk to her mommy so bad she couldn't stand it. Whenever she wants to talk she kicks her legs back and forth so hard and so fast, it's so cute how she gets so excited. I just love her! Abby is still in bed as usual, she usually doesn't move until around 11 or so. Lazy girl! This may sound really gross but I think she is having anal gland issues b/c she keeps scooting her butt across the floor. I told Rusty that she needs to go to the vet before it becomes infected and she has to have antibiotics. I know its not worms b/c she has her medicine she takes every month for that and Rusty said that she has had these "gland" issues before. Poor abby.... On another note, I am getting excited about the beach trip we have coming up in a little over a week for little Brayden's birthday. We finally get to relax and visit with everyone! Halle gets to wear her swimming suit and see what the sand feels like and see what a swimming pool is like for the first time! She will get to see her Nanny and Poppy for the first time since February! Also she will get to play with Gabby (not sure how much playing a couple of 3 month olds will actually do but it will be so cute having them together again!). Oh I just can't wait! I really am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, caring, giving, loving family! I love them all!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Another day....

I only have time to write a quick update today... I am fixing to have to run to the alteration shop to pick up some pants for Rusty for a wedding this weekend and I have to leave in like 10 minutes. Anyway, we are all moved in pretty much and life in Enterprise is beginning. It has been great so far! Rusty is getting used to having Halle around and he is getting to where he comes in and goes straight to her to kiss her or pick her up. She is getting to know who her daddy is to. My little snuggle bug was all smiles the other morning when he was talking to her on the bed, shes SOOO cute! I also had a great 1st Mother's Day, Rusty came in Saturday night with white roses and a balloon and a card from him, halle, and abby, it was so sweet :) I love them all SO much with all my heart! We went to eat on Friday night and he said that it counted as my Mother's Day dinner, which was fine with me. He has been working so hard and studying so much, I am extremely proud of him! He has a big test tomorrow so everyone pray that he passes! Well, gotta run don't want the shop to close before I get there!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Getting settled

Today has been such a LONG day so far... Halle is sleeping like a little angel in her crib at the moment. I have been trying to unpack these last few days and get everything settled and put away. I still have about 6 boxes to unpack, but there is absolutely no where to put what's in them. I never realized how little storage there is at Rusty's house until now. Makes me kinda wish that we had a guest room with an extra closet that was vacant ;) Well, I almost got Halles room completely finished, all I have to do is put the decorations up. Rusty wants me to wait for him to do that, I guess he's afraid I would knock a hole in the wall with the hammer. I have also been looking at bedding and house decor b/c this place is def. 100% bachelor pad. Rusty has this big picture in his room of a huge mouth with it's tongue hanging out, Halle just sits there and stares at it. Maybe one day it will look more like a home. Anyway, the funniest thing happened last night. Me, Rusty, Halle and Abby were all in the bed and I just got finished feeding chubs and Rusty wanted to play with her for a minute before we put her down for bed. Well he was holding her up high then bringing her back down like he was bemch pressing her or something and I told him not to do that b/c she just ate and she might spit up. He should of listened to me b/c right as he was about to give her the 10th kiss in a row she spit up all over him, and yes it even got him in the mouth! We started cracking up laughing. I couldn't find the burp cloth b/c I was laughing so hard and he was trying to tell me to hurry but he was laughing to hard that he couldn't. (I secretly high fived Halle and told her good job haha!) For those of you who know Rusty, you know he likes to joke around and he's always trying to turn Halle against me by saying things like: daddy's here you're safe now and I'm sorry I left you with her for so long, but don't worry I'm home now and don't move, if we're still maybe she won't see us, as he puts the covers over their heads (all of this in a joking way). He is getting more used to having her around which is a good thing. Although he hasn't helped much with the feedings or diaper changes. He asked me if she had pooped since we moved last Saturday so that tells you that he really doesn't change her diapers. I'm not complaining, I don't mind doing it for my little sweet pea. Well, that's about all that's going on with us these past few days, I'm going to get off here and finsh up the laundry and make the bed, if I can get Abby out of it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

I had some time so I thought I would post a blog about the day so far. Today is nasty and rainy and makes me want to do nothing but sleep the day away with Halle. She is taking her afternoon nap at the moment and I am bored with nothing much to do. I am finishing up laundry but I can't finish packing because I don't want to chance waking Halle up. It's actually nice to be a little bored... usually I'm walking around trying to keep princess happy at all times. My mom told me that it's ok to let her cry every now and then, after all she is a baby. But she's one to talk because when she's home she is the first one at Halle's side picking her up when she hears her whimper the slightest bit. She is really sad, tonight is her last night with me and Halle bug for a long while. She keeps asking me if I'm sure I want to go, and I can stay with her for as long as I want, etc. It's definitely going to be a life change. I have to admit, I am SOOO nervous! I just keep praying that this is going to work out for me and Rusty and Halle. I have faith that it will.
Well, Rusty is starting his flight classes earlier than we both thought so he will be gone everyday, so I guess it really was a blessing that I didn't have a job already lined up because we would have nobody to watch Halle. I just don't want to leave her with anybody, I want to know that she will be safe where ever she will be. I also wished that we would of had a little time to get everything unpacked before he started classes. I will be unpacking and cleaning and setting her room up myself. (I shouldn't complain because we will atleast be down there with him.) I told him I was going to spring clean the house to get rid of what germs are in there. I don't want any swine flu germs floating around! I was telling him that if they really made those bubbles like that baby is in in that Huggies commercial that I would for real get one for Halle and I would get one for myself until this swine flu business subsided.... like I already don't worry enough! Anyway, I'm gonna go relax on the couch for a bit until my little princess wakes up :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I know it's been a while since I have posted something new... things have been SOOO busy! This past weekend me and Halle went shopping with my sister and niece and let me tell you it was a rough trip! I don't know if i will ever go shopping again. It's to much trouble getting in and out of the car with the carseat and stroller and for her to only ride in her stroller for like 2 minutes is a waste. She screamed every time I put her in it so I had to carry her most of the time, which defeated the purpose of me trying to find some summer clothes for myself since I am moving close to the beach. My sister couldn't take her b/c my niece was pretty much acting crazy too. We both just laughed and said why on earth did we think this was going to be easy. Oh and Halle kept throwing up every time I turned around... my poor baby I felt so sorry for dragging her out with me in the heat. She was getting to hot and that didn't mix well with having milk in her belly, yuck! But like I said I went shopping for me and ended up getting her more than I got myself (welcome to motherhood huh). I got her like 3 bathing suits and 4 hats and 2 pairs of shoes she will probably only wear once. I figured she would need a couple of bathing suits for if me and Rusty ever decide to take her swimming or go to the beach for a day or something like that. I told him that I got her A bathing suit b/c I knew he would complain about me wasting money and he did. He said why does she need a bathing suit and I said it's summer time and we mite wanna get her (and abbagail... i had to throw abby's name in there b/c she's like our other kid) a kiddie pool or something or take her to the beach or when we go visit Sara and Jason they have a pool there and he said oh yeah. See you just have to work with him a little to get him to see that there are somethings that are worth spending money on. Anyway, I have been doing nothing but packing the past 2 days and i didn't think there was as much stuff as there is. I mean Halle's things take up a whole room. I rented a 5x8 uhaul trailor and I hope that it's going to be big enough to fit everything in. On another note, Halle is teething and its been horrible. She's been so pitiful and the drool just keeps on coming. Her little chin is so raw from where I have been wiping it so much. She constantly sucks on her hand like its a chicken nugget or something. She won't suck on her teething ring much, she would rather have that hand. I wake up during the night b/c I will hear her just sucking away. I tried to sneak her pacifier in her mouth one night to see if she would use that instead and she didn't so I just let her do what she likes best. I put some baby orajel on her little gums and she hated it and screamed and cried and I felt like a bad mother for giving it to her. I just wanted to help her gums not to hurt anymore. Hopefully it will get better for her soon! Well still no lead on a job for me. I called the Human Resources Department today and the lady said that she would send out an email and let them know that I called asking about my application. I didn't think it would be hard finding a job with there being such a need for nurses. Maybe it's b/c I'm only wanting a dayshift position. I want to be on the same schedule as Rusty and Halle, plus with working nightshift I would never get to see my baby girl. I'm sure something will turn up soon (everyone please pray that it does!). That's about all that's going on with us for now... I better get back to packing while she's sleeping!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back to the real world for one night...

It was back to the real world for me Friday night.. I had to work! I actually did it, I went to work! It was the hardest thing leaving my little Halle bug behind. I think I spent most of the night worried and hoping she was doing okay with her nana. I told my mom that she usually goes to bed around 10:30 and she wakes up around 6 so when she hears her grunting and moving around during the night that it doesn't mean shes awake so just pat her lightly on the back and she will drift back off the sleep. I got home around 7:20 a.m. and went in my room and my mom was hanging halfway off the bed b/c Halle wiggles and squirms and little by little inches you off the bed, and I have to say that my mom was looking a little rough and worn out. So with that being said I didn't sleep but for a couple hours when I got home so I could take Halle off her hands (plus I missed my little Halle bugs so much I wanted to play with her and smother her in kisses!) I caught up on my sleep last night b/c Halle slept from 11 until 10:30 this morning! I couldn't believe it! She has never slept that long before, its probably a one time thing. We spent the day today laying around resting, taking naps, eating so basically it was a usual day for her. Today I noticed this red mark on Halles wrist and I got to looking closer and it was a hicky! She has this habit of sucking on her hands and her wrists sometimes and she has given herself a hicky. Rusty's cousin's little boy used to do the same thing and they had to put socks on his arms so he would stop. I hope that she quits before it comes to that! This week is going to be a long week with starting to pack our stuff to make the big move to Rusty's. He sent me a picture of her dresser he put together tonight and it looks good! He said that it was nicer than he thought it would be, I didn't understand that b/c I always thought it would be nice. Now he just has to put the bed together and we have to get a mattress for it (even tho she will probably be in the bed with us). I can't wait to get down there and fix up her room, she will finally have her own room with all her toys and a closet for all her clothes! I will probably be sharing her closet, I think Rusty has more clothes than me and Halle put together.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life as I know it

I have been told that I needed to start blogging so here it goes... as most of you who are reading this probably know that I recently became a mommy (never thought it would happen this soon!) and I have been blessed with a wonderful baby girl, Halle Claire. She has turned my whole world around. I can't imagine my life without her, she's my everything. She's 9 weeks old and doing fantastic! I do have to say that I think I have created a monster... she doesn't nap during the day unless shes in my arms or laying on my chest. She HATES to be put down for more than 10 minutes at a time, she screams until I pick her up, then she fakes these little cry sounds just to milk it for all its worth (she's such a stinker, I LOVE her!). I guess everyone spoils they're first born like that huh. I have her in her boucey seat right now as I am typing this and she's looking at me like "mommy you better pick me up if you know what's good for you (with an evil laugh added at the end)". I soak up every minute with her and cherish it! I can say that I am kind of tired of doing this whole parenting thing by myself... the baths, the feedings, the constant walking around trying to calm her down when shes screaming, the having to rock her to sleep, the dr appointments, etc. I know that her daddy can't help being away from us b/c that's part of his job, and I am not saying that I think he's a bad father for not being here b/c he really seriously can't help it. He knows how much we miss him and love him ;) I guess what I am really trying to say is that I am ready for all of us to be together and be a real family. It's only a couple of more weeks before I move to where he is and I am counting down the days! I just want Halle to know her daddy like she knows me. She lights up when I walk in the room and start talking b/c she knows my voice. When her nana has her and shes crying and nana can't get her to stop I take her and she knows my touch and smell and calms down within a couple of minutes. (Boy I just realized, baby's are pretty smart!). I am looking forward to the future and everything it holds for us. I love his family more than they will ever know, they have really helped me through the times when I was down about not being able to be with him. They kept telling me that time will go by fast and I will be moving before I knew it... and what do you know, it will be here SOON (yay!)! I know there are going to be ups and downs and really toughs times but I believe deep in my heart that we will survive and make it as a family. Well I guess now I have to start writing on here and keeping everyone posted on how things are going with us, but this is all I can think of right now, til' next time!