It's the unexpected events that have happened in our lives that have gotten us to where we are today. Whether or not they make a person stronger and more open to what life throws at them is up to that specific person. I want to share some of the events that happen, or have already happened in our lives. Welcome to our journey ;)....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I know it's been a while since I have posted something new... things have been SOOO busy! This past weekend me and Halle went shopping with my sister and niece and let me tell you it was a rough trip! I don't know if i will ever go shopping again. It's to much trouble getting in and out of the car with the carseat and stroller and for her to only ride in her stroller for like 2 minutes is a waste. She screamed every time I put her in it so I had to carry her most of the time, which defeated the purpose of me trying to find some summer clothes for myself since I am moving close to the beach. My sister couldn't take her b/c my niece was pretty much acting crazy too. We both just laughed and said why on earth did we think this was going to be easy. Oh and Halle kept throwing up every time I turned around... my poor baby I felt so sorry for dragging her out with me in the heat. She was getting to hot and that didn't mix well with having milk in her belly, yuck! But like I said I went shopping for me and ended up getting her more than I got myself (welcome to motherhood huh). I got her like 3 bathing suits and 4 hats and 2 pairs of shoes she will probably only wear once. I figured she would need a couple of bathing suits for if me and Rusty ever decide to take her swimming or go to the beach for a day or something like that. I told him that I got her A bathing suit b/c I knew he would complain about me wasting money and he did. He said why does she need a bathing suit and I said it's summer time and we mite wanna get her (and abbagail... i had to throw abby's name in there b/c she's like our other kid) a kiddie pool or something or take her to the beach or when we go visit Sara and Jason they have a pool there and he said oh yeah. See you just have to work with him a little to get him to see that there are somethings that are worth spending money on. Anyway, I have been doing nothing but packing the past 2 days and i didn't think there was as much stuff as there is. I mean Halle's things take up a whole room. I rented a 5x8 uhaul trailor and I hope that it's going to be big enough to fit everything in. On another note, Halle is teething and its been horrible. She's been so pitiful and the drool just keeps on coming. Her little chin is so raw from where I have been wiping it so much. She constantly sucks on her hand like its a chicken nugget or something. She won't suck on her teething ring much, she would rather have that hand. I wake up during the night b/c I will hear her just sucking away. I tried to sneak her pacifier in her mouth one night to see if she would use that instead and she didn't so I just let her do what she likes best. I put some baby orajel on her little gums and she hated it and screamed and cried and I felt like a bad mother for giving it to her. I just wanted to help her gums not to hurt anymore. Hopefully it will get better for her soon! Well still no lead on a job for me. I called the Human Resources Department today and the lady said that she would send out an email and let them know that I called asking about my application. I didn't think it would be hard finding a job with there being such a need for nurses. Maybe it's b/c I'm only wanting a dayshift position. I want to be on the same schedule as Rusty and Halle, plus with working nightshift I would never get to see my baby girl. I'm sure something will turn up soon (everyone please pray that it does!). That's about all that's going on with us for now... I better get back to packing while she's sleeping!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back to the real world for one night...

It was back to the real world for me Friday night.. I had to work! I actually did it, I went to work! It was the hardest thing leaving my little Halle bug behind. I think I spent most of the night worried and hoping she was doing okay with her nana. I told my mom that she usually goes to bed around 10:30 and she wakes up around 6 so when she hears her grunting and moving around during the night that it doesn't mean shes awake so just pat her lightly on the back and she will drift back off the sleep. I got home around 7:20 a.m. and went in my room and my mom was hanging halfway off the bed b/c Halle wiggles and squirms and little by little inches you off the bed, and I have to say that my mom was looking a little rough and worn out. So with that being said I didn't sleep but for a couple hours when I got home so I could take Halle off her hands (plus I missed my little Halle bugs so much I wanted to play with her and smother her in kisses!) I caught up on my sleep last night b/c Halle slept from 11 until 10:30 this morning! I couldn't believe it! She has never slept that long before, its probably a one time thing. We spent the day today laying around resting, taking naps, eating so basically it was a usual day for her. Today I noticed this red mark on Halles wrist and I got to looking closer and it was a hicky! She has this habit of sucking on her hands and her wrists sometimes and she has given herself a hicky. Rusty's cousin's little boy used to do the same thing and they had to put socks on his arms so he would stop. I hope that she quits before it comes to that! This week is going to be a long week with starting to pack our stuff to make the big move to Rusty's. He sent me a picture of her dresser he put together tonight and it looks good! He said that it was nicer than he thought it would be, I didn't understand that b/c I always thought it would be nice. Now he just has to put the bed together and we have to get a mattress for it (even tho she will probably be in the bed with us). I can't wait to get down there and fix up her room, she will finally have her own room with all her toys and a closet for all her clothes! I will probably be sharing her closet, I think Rusty has more clothes than me and Halle put together.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life as I know it

I have been told that I needed to start blogging so here it goes... as most of you who are reading this probably know that I recently became a mommy (never thought it would happen this soon!) and I have been blessed with a wonderful baby girl, Halle Claire. She has turned my whole world around. I can't imagine my life without her, she's my everything. She's 9 weeks old and doing fantastic! I do have to say that I think I have created a monster... she doesn't nap during the day unless shes in my arms or laying on my chest. She HATES to be put down for more than 10 minutes at a time, she screams until I pick her up, then she fakes these little cry sounds just to milk it for all its worth (she's such a stinker, I LOVE her!). I guess everyone spoils they're first born like that huh. I have her in her boucey seat right now as I am typing this and she's looking at me like "mommy you better pick me up if you know what's good for you (with an evil laugh added at the end)". I soak up every minute with her and cherish it! I can say that I am kind of tired of doing this whole parenting thing by myself... the baths, the feedings, the constant walking around trying to calm her down when shes screaming, the having to rock her to sleep, the dr appointments, etc. I know that her daddy can't help being away from us b/c that's part of his job, and I am not saying that I think he's a bad father for not being here b/c he really seriously can't help it. He knows how much we miss him and love him ;) I guess what I am really trying to say is that I am ready for all of us to be together and be a real family. It's only a couple of more weeks before I move to where he is and I am counting down the days! I just want Halle to know her daddy like she knows me. She lights up when I walk in the room and start talking b/c she knows my voice. When her nana has her and shes crying and nana can't get her to stop I take her and she knows my touch and smell and calms down within a couple of minutes. (Boy I just realized, baby's are pretty smart!). I am looking forward to the future and everything it holds for us. I love his family more than they will ever know, they have really helped me through the times when I was down about not being able to be with him. They kept telling me that time will go by fast and I will be moving before I knew it... and what do you know, it will be here SOON (yay!)! I know there are going to be ups and downs and really toughs times but I believe deep in my heart that we will survive and make it as a family. Well I guess now I have to start writing on here and keeping everyone posted on how things are going with us, but this is all I can think of right now, til' next time!