Showing off her two teethies!!
Grabbing a toy out of her toy box :)

I wanted to update my blog on how we are all doing and what's all been going on....Rusty finished his Apache course!! We are all so proud of him! I know he is gald to finally be finished. Now he can relax for a couple of weeks. As for me, I am in the middle of cleaning, packing, and trying to organize things to make our move in a couple of weeks little easier. I don't think it's really going to be "easy" but atleast it will help to have everything labeled so when the time comes when we are unloading things we can take it to which ever room the box says it goes in. That's about all for the update on the grown up's, now time for Halle. Gosh where to begin?? She has been little miss into everything! She has 2 teeth now and she loves to bite! She is of course still crawling every where and now she pulls up on the table and couch and walks along the sides of them. It scares me when she falls b/c she come so close to hitting her head! She stands for about 5 seconds on her own and sits down when she realizes she's not holding onto anything. She is such a happy go lucky baby! She has had an ear infection and now she has thrush... the doctor said that they thrush probably came from her antibiotic, but I think it's b/c my little bit likes to find shoes to chew on. Yes I know GROSS!! I try to always keep the shoes put in the closet with the door shut, but sometimes when we just walk in and take our shoes off after getting home we forget (until we look over and shes got one hanging out of her mouth). I don't know what her fascination is with them. We are trying to teach her what "no" means. I think she is understanding more and more. Whenever she goes to get in the dog's bed/water bowl/food we say "no" or "no maam" and she stops and turns around and comes back to us. Now if we can just teach her that with shoes :) She's still quite the little beaver biting and chewing her crib to pieces... I tried to tie toys up and block it but she finds a way or a new place to chew. I still can't believe she is 8 months old! She is growing up so fast... it's so fun to watch her learn new things everyday. She now has her little box where we keep her toys. Whenever she wants a toy she will just go over to it and get it... she's so smart :) Her hair is coming in thicker now days, but she's still bald for the most part, poor girl. Her best friend is Abbagail.. she loves to sit outside on the front porch and watch Abby play fetch. She just laughs and giggles! She has the sweetest little laugh, I LOVE IT!! There is never to much bragging when it comes to your kids right? That's all I have time to update on right now, I posted a few pictures and a video for you all to enjoy.. I feel a little tug at my leg so that means it's play time :) I cherish these little moments!
Watching Abby play fetch
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