So I figured it was time to update on my blog about what's been going on in our lives... we have spent the past 2 weekends up in Clarksville, TN house hunting. We are so exhausted! We found a house that we liked the first weekend we went up there, but another couple ended up outbidding us on it, so we had to make the LONG journey back up there this past weekend. We found another house we liked and we put an offer in on it Saturday evening. We are waiting to hear back from them today... fingers and toes crossed! I hate the waiting part of it. I just hope that we get this house b/c it will be a few weeks before we could go back up there, and not to mention that Rusty is either graduating on Oct. 15 or Oct. 29 so we need this house! I am so excited about moving! I am ready to get settled in mine and Rusty's first official house together as a family :) Speaking of family, this weekend is family day for Rusty which means Nanny, Poppy, Mamaw, Papaw, Aunt Sara, Hayden, and Gabby are all coming in for it. We are so excited to see them! We are going to get to go see what Rusty does everyday and we get to take a tour of the Apache and even sit it if we want. Also, if we want we can go to the simulators and let Rusty try to teach us how to fly. I think it's going to be fun for us to see what he does. We are all so proud of him! I am excited for everyone to see miss priss in action. She is crawling 90 mph these days and pulling up on EVERYTHING. We try to teach her not to pull up on certain things that she could get hurt on, but she doesn't really understand, heck she's just 7 months old. She is into anything and everything she can get her little hands on. Her curiosity grows more and more everyday. She is getting braver by pulling up and letting go and standing on her own just for a few seconds. Once she looks and realizes she isn't holding on to anything she sits down or reaches out to grab something right fast. She now has 2 bottom teeth, and she LOVES to bite! She knaws on her crib like a little beaver. There are bite marks all up and down the sides of it. She also loves her newest toy, her LeapFrog learning table. She pulls up on it and plays with it for 20 mintues at a time, which is nice! The biggest thing to me is that she says mama all the time! I love hearing her say mamamama! My precious little stinker! She jibber jabbers all the time, she tries her hardest to talk to us, it is so sweet! We took her to see some of our friends in Stevenson on our way home from Clarksville and they thought she was the happiest, most adorable baby ever.. which she is!! She is super friendly to everyone these days. She goes to anybody who sticks their hands out for her to come to them. She still has no hair, although she is sprouting a few long strands in the back :) I told Rusty that we are going to doing a comb over to the front before long... I can't believe that she is 7 months old, she is growing so fast! She really is such a sweet girl. She has her bad moments, but what baby doesn't. I think overall we couldn't have asked for a more perfect little girl than what we have now!
I cant wait to see her this weekend! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI can see her little teefers! She's so precious :). Emma has that same Leap Frog table and adores it! Isn't it nice having something to occupy a minute or two of their time once in a while? Haha :). I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for ya'll to get the house! I know it must be stressful right now not knowing what's in store. Have fun with Family Day! That sounds like it'll be a blast! Give Halle hugs and kisses from me and Emma :).