Nana, Halle, Madison, and Pepaw Benny

Me and Rusty before his 10 yr reunion

Mamaw, Halle, and Madison

Madison and Halle

Madison and Halle
This past weekend me and Rusty loaded up the kids and headed off to the lovely town of Bridgeport, Al. We visited with my mom and stepdad and my mamaw and aunt from Louisville, KY were in too. It was good to see everyone and everyone was especially excited to see buggie. She just smiled and played the whole time we were there. Everyone adored her, of course :) They all thought she had gotten so much bigger and smarter, which she has. The main reason we went to Bridgeport was for Rusty's 10 year high school reunion. I know, I know, he's so old right?! We went to Chattanooga Saturday night for that and we had a good time. There were only like 10 people who showed up though. I think everyone who was there had fun regardless. I tried not to call a million times to check up on Halle, but I couldn't help it. I just missed her so much! I felt like a bad mother b/c I was out on the riverboat and my baby was at home. It just made me feel really guilty like I should be at home taking care of my child. My mom said that she was so good for them. She said she didn't cry unless she was hungry or when she got sleepy. She's such a good baby :) Well, Sunday rolled around and it was a sad day. I hated leaving my family, but my life is in Enterprise now. There were many tears shed when we pulled out of the drive way. It's always hard to leave after only having a couple days to visit with your family, especially those who you never get to see but maybe once a year. I will miss everyone so much, but I will see them again soon I hope! Anyway, this morning it was back to the original routine for me and buggie. We have just been lounging today and finishing up unpacking all of our stuff. I finally got all of my ultrasound pictures together and sorted and put in a photo album. I have been meaning to do that for a long time now. I still need to print so many pictures off my camera, but that's another task for another day.... as for the rest of this day it's gonna rest and relaxation!
If you're anything like me, you take sooo many pictures - which means when it comes time to print them out, there are TONS! I need to do that, too. Thanks for reminding me! Haha :). And don't you feel guilty for enjoying a night to yourself! Priss Pot knows that no matter what, she's your number one priority - and she doesn't mind spending time with her grandparents, I'm sure :). Mommies need a night to themselves once in a while because things can get hectic and overwhelming - I learned that! And I know it's hard to leave your family behind :(. Anyways, I'm rambling and need to get off of this computer finally - haha. Cutie pictures!