It's the unexpected events that have happened in our lives that have gotten us to where we are today. Whether or not they make a person stronger and more open to what life throws at them is up to that specific person. I want to share some of the events that happen, or have already happened in our lives. Welcome to our journey ;)....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Update on life in Enterprise

Time to do a blog update! I figured that I needed to update my blog since I haven't in SOOO long, but things are as usual at the Palmore/Rogers/Robinson household. Halle is sick with a cold and she's teething so she has been double trouble for me, especially at night. She can hardly breathe through her little nose at night so therefore she wakes up constantly. I took her to the dr yesterday and they just gave me some saline drops to put in her nose so I can suction the snot out. Needless to say, she HATES when I do it. I try to only do it 4 times a day, even though she needs it more than that. I feel so bad for my little booger. I also got her a humidifier to help with the dried snot, not sure how well it's working for her yet. I can't believe the month of May has come and gone already and Halle is almost 4 months old! Oh I should mention that my little peanut rolled over last night and this morning! She is learning and growing so fast! I am so proud of her! She is so ambitious, just like her daddy and mommy :) Me and Rusty decided that we really need to start putting her in her own bed or atleast on her mattress in the floor beside our bed, it's extremely crowded in our bed. I woke up about 4 extra times last night b/c I was so cramped and uncomfortable. We said we were going to start when we got back from the beach, but that never happened. It's hard for me to put her across the house, I dream up silly things that could happen during the night and get paranoid. I really need to stop and just do it already before it gets to the point where it's to late. Anyway, Father's Day is coming up and I am really excited about it. Rusty said not to spend any money on him but I have something in mind that I want to get him. I already went and got cards from Wal-Mart, one for Halle to give to him and one for Abby to give to him. I just want him to feel appreciated ;) He said that we might be heading towards Ocean Springs that weekend if he doesn't have to fly, guess we will see when the time gets closer (watch out Sara and Jason you may have some guests ha!) Of course I told Rusty he would need to call and ask before we go..... we probably all know the real reason he wants to go..... to make the one and only Hudson's trip. He will probably go to Hudson's about 5 or 6 times. He's a junkie when it comes to that place, although I do like to go myself but just 1 or 2 times ;) Todays events for me and Halle are just to lounge around and wait for Rusty to get home. I may get her in her bikini and let her splash around in her pool. We have a potential nanny coming to interview with us today so I'm nervous about it. I don't know how I feel about having a nanny. I mean I would rather have someone come to the house and take care of Halle and not have to worry about dragging her out to daycare to pick up germs, but also you always see on the news about these nanny people running off with peoples kids and stuff. I get really scared thinking what if that happens if we hire this lady. I don't know what I want to do! Oh yes I do know what I want to do... not work and stay at home with Halle myself! Or work from home which I am looking into right now, and Rusty says he would be supportive of it but only if I did it as a second job and still worked at the hospital... boo! We will see if I can change his mind :) Well, I hear my princess crying out for me so I better see what's going on!

1 comment:

  1. I hope my little Halle is feeling much better today! I Love my little jelly Bean! I hope everything is going good for all of you!oxoxo
