This weekend has been
extremely busy! We have yard saled, cooked out, went to friend's houses, I worked, and we managed to get in a little shopping time for vacation items :) It was a great Memorial Day yesterday! My princess wore her red dress with white stars on it to show that she supports all of our military and their families. She also wanted show her daddy that she loves him and is thankful for all he does! She is such a daddy's girl :) Those two have become so close and the love between them is irreplacable. We LOVE our soldier
dearly and everything he stands/fights for!!
My little sweat pea playing with my camera case

Trying to eat my camera case, as usual :)

All ready for Memorial Day
She looks amazing, as usual! I left you a comment back, by the way, on my Memorial Day post, so go check it out :). I'm glad that ya'll had a wonderful weekend!