It's the unexpected events that have happened in our lives that have gotten us to where we are today. Whether or not they make a person stronger and more open to what life throws at them is up to that specific person. I want to share some of the events that happen, or have already happened in our lives. Welcome to our journey ;)....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mommy's special little helper

Mommy's special little helper likes to help swiffer sweep the hardwood floors ;) She knows exactly where the cleaning closet is. Everytime I say, "Let's clean up!" she runs and opens the closet and pulls out the swiffer and the broom. She's the best helper ever, she beats daddy by a long shot :)

She's dragging everything she needs our of the cleaning closet

Here she comes with the swiffer!

Let's get started mommy!

Such a good helper!

Riding on her magic swiffer, silly girl!

Don't forget to swiffer the door :)

1 comment:

  1. That's definitely the cutest little helper that I've ever seen!
