It's the unexpected events that have happened in our lives that have gotten us to where we are today. Whether or not they make a person stronger and more open to what life throws at them is up to that specific person. I want to share some of the events that happen, or have already happened in our lives. Welcome to our journey ;)....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


On Tuesday April 6, 2010, my little princess attended daycare for the first time. I woke up feeling a bit nauseated b/c this was the first time someone I didn't know was going to care for my child (let me tell you, it really puts an emtpy feeling in your stomach). I really thought hard about skipping my CPR recertification class that I had just so she wouldn't have to go, BUT in reality there was no possible way I could skip it. I continued with mine and Halle's getting ready routine, we have it down to a "T" now. I loaded her up and headed out!

We arrived at daycare 25 minutes prior to when I was supposed to, I thought that I would hang around in her classroom until she was ok with me to leave. She's usually been so good around other kids. She always loves to watch them and play with them. Somehow this time, she knew that it was different. She was clinging to me and crying when I put her down. The teacher said it was probably better if I didn't hang around long so Halle could get used to things. I left my girl sitting in her little chair at the table crying for me. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I stepped out, closed the door, and started crying. There was nothing I could do. I had to go to my class and I had no one to watch her besides the daycare.

To my surprise, time flew by and I was back at daycare within a couple of hours to pick up my girl. The teachers were excellent with her. They wrote down everything she did, under the "mood" section they put "a little upset", which was probably putting it lightly. They said that she played, then cried for a minute, then played, cried, ate, cried... you get the point.

Now we are dealing with a whole different issue... seperation anxiety, which I think was caused from what I like to call P.T.D.D. a.k.a. post tramatic daycare disorder. She screams when I leave the room, she screams when I try to put her down to do anything, she screams when I'm sitting on the couch and shes not (which results in me sitting on the floor with her in my lap), she screams when the neighbor brings her kid over to play thinking I'm going to leave her with them... it's just a whole list of things that gets longer everyday. She doesn't play much with her toys anymore b/c she has to be sitting in my lap or rolling around on me or something that has to do with her touching me to know I'm there. I'm really hoping that this phase ends SOON!

P.S. I was going to post pics of Halle's 1st daycare day, but blogger is being difficult an won't let me upload any!

1 comment:

  1. I like the P.T.D.D. that you came up with! I haven't had to leave Emma in daycare yet, but I guess I've had to go through what you could call a similar situation, leaving her in Alabama. It's hard for her AND for me!

    Halle sounds like such a Mommy's Girl :). Can't wait to see new pictures of her!
