It's the unexpected events that have happened in our lives that have gotten us to where we are today. Whether or not they make a person stronger and more open to what life throws at them is up to that specific person. I want to share some of the events that happen, or have already happened in our lives. Welcome to our journey ;)....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Whoo hoo!

Rusty passed his test today! I am SOOO excited for him, he has been studying so hard for it and I know that he didn't sleep well last night b/c he was so nervous about it. I texted him early this morning when I woke up b/c I forgot to tell him good luck before he left b/c I was still sleeping, but anyway I texted him to see how it went and he said that he passed :) This test was just one of MANY that he is going to have to take, but he said that this one was by far the biggest and probably the hardest. What a relief to have passed it the first time taking it! Me and Halle might have to run out and get him a card or something before he gets home. My little sugar plum fairy is sleeping, she was in such a great mood this morning just smiling and wanting to talk to her mommy so bad she couldn't stand it. Whenever she wants to talk she kicks her legs back and forth so hard and so fast, it's so cute how she gets so excited. I just love her! Abby is still in bed as usual, she usually doesn't move until around 11 or so. Lazy girl! This may sound really gross but I think she is having anal gland issues b/c she keeps scooting her butt across the floor. I told Rusty that she needs to go to the vet before it becomes infected and she has to have antibiotics. I know its not worms b/c she has her medicine she takes every month for that and Rusty said that she has had these "gland" issues before. Poor abby.... On another note, I am getting excited about the beach trip we have coming up in a little over a week for little Brayden's birthday. We finally get to relax and visit with everyone! Halle gets to wear her swimming suit and see what the sand feels like and see what a swimming pool is like for the first time! She will get to see her Nanny and Poppy for the first time since February! Also she will get to play with Gabby (not sure how much playing a couple of 3 month olds will actually do but it will be so cute having them together again!). Oh I just can't wait! I really am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, caring, giving, loving family! I love them all!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to get our little sugar bottoms together!!! It will be a much needed little vacation for us all. I sure hope Gabriella does ok at the hotel with you guys. she was fussy at the IP on Sunday! Maybe they will behave. Hey let me know what you are going to swing etc. I don't wanna bring double since our little sweets can share. I don't have a table top swing so I guess I am asking you to bring yours =) I will bring the bouncy and/or the exersaucer if you want! talk to you soon! Love you!!!!
